Focus Action Banner
climbing slope

When each individual on the team works toward a
dominant, compelling shared vision, great things
are achieved!

Team Action

“Focus Team Action” refers to properly directed activities of individuals that support group focus, and the actions of the group that enable business mission and vision fulfillment. Focus Team Action is effective teamwork at work.

Action that elevates your business success requires cultivating internal, personal habits that support business goals, and group evolution that effectively sustains and builds business mission.

Habits can be the gravity that holds us back from achieving individual and group goals. Or habits can be the fuel and propulsion that enable us to soar into the heavens.

Our Inertia

Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion. When a body is in motion, it tends to remain in motion. If the body is at rest, it tends to remain at rest. The heavier an object is the more inertia it has to keep moving forever in a frictionless environment.

For a change to occur in the direction an object is moving, a force must be applied greater than the resistance to the movement.

“Heavy” habits, those that are deeply ingrained in our day to day thinking and behaviors, tend to be constant, and our movement will occur in the same constant direction. The habits we have - what we are feeling, thinking and doing throughout the day lead in a direction and to a destination, whether or not that destination is desirable.

space shuttle

The Space Shuttle defying gravity and moving towards escape velocity!

Gravity and Escape Velocity

The Space Shuttle uses two large Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB’s) to provide the fuel and thrust for lift-off during the first two minutes of launch. These boosters constitute about 60% of the rocket weight at lift-off (about 2,200,000 pounds of fuel).

During the next 8 to 9 minutes of launch the Space Shuttle’s ET (Extra fuel Tank) burns through more than 540,000 gallons of liquid fuel, providing propulsion to achieve adequate speed (velocity) to break earth’s gravity and atmosphere and send the Space Shuttle hurling into space.

The fuel required to achieve escape velocity weighs 20 times more than the Space Shuttle orbiter itself! Approximately 90 percent of the fuel is used the first few minutes!

Once in the frictionless environment of outer space, the Space Shuttle requires very little fuel for propulsion to maintain its course, and moves with effortless ease at very high rates of speed.

effortless movement

Effortless movement in frictionless space!

Defying Habit Gravity and Achieving Escape Velocity

Defying counterproductive personal and group habits and replacing them with constructive activities similarly requires a high amount of initial energy to achieve escape velocity. Once your escape velocity is achieved, positive habits require much less energy to sustain.

When your constructive new habit is performed in a routine way on a routine basis it becomes second nature and propels you forward at a high rate of effortless speed!

Action Up

Having the right habit change tools particularly during the initial stages of your productivity improvement program is essential.

The Focus Team Action program teaches fundamentals of step by step habit change that propel you out of habit gravity to achieve escape velocity, leading you to efficiency and success.

Focus Team Action provides your success formula:

  • Defying habit gravity to achieve escape velocity. Effectively forming personal habits that support group vision and fulfillment of business mission.
  • Individual and Group Success “Habit Routines” - structuring and managing personal and team habits for high level success.
  • Setting the context for the day - engaging in highest leverage activities during the first part of your workday.
  • Boosting personal and team productivity through clearly stating, prioritizing, and accomplishing your highest priority tasks first.
  • Understanding your body’s internal efficiency cycles of activity and rest (“Ultradian” cycles).
  • Creating time/energy efficiency cycles and optimizing work time cycles so you operate at peak productivity.
  • Eliminating distraction and controlling interruption to accomplish 50% more with your work day.
  • Tools for optimizing time efficiency.
  • “Enlightened Multi-tasking” - deliberately scheduling time to do the necessary little things in an efficient, orderly fashion.
  • The Art of Scheduling Interruptions.
  • Improving group “Focus Quality” - tuning in to the group goal and taking joint action to accomplish that goal.
  • “Clean Cuts”- Cleanly moving from one important work activity to the next.
  • Effectively categorizing and scheduling your key work activities.
  • Effectively “Changing Channels” - learning to effectively switch between activities requiring different types of energy focus and how to use this to your efficiency advantage.
  • Planning for success - using “on and off-ramp” rituals to enable peak productivity.
  • Being conscious of “Mind Flutter” on the job and how to eliminate it to improve work productivity.
  • Using Power Productivity Breaks for reducing employee sickness and improving efficiency.
  • Inter-business Masterminding principles and strategies that will enable you to take advantage of growth opportunities.
  • Intra-business Masterminding for utilizing your employees’ skills and talents to the fullest.

Evolutionary change is possible. Believe you can. Take action now.